All Developmental Spiral Program

Do you have general concerns over your baby/infant’s development?

Has your child been given a diagnosis? Has your special baby been born prematurely?

Do you have a parental gut feeling that your baby has delayed development?

Are you confused about what to do next or when?

Early intervention is very important.  It is necessary to prevent further difficulties for ‘very special children’. The aim of Early Intervention or as I like to call it Early Stimulation Program is to help and to support young very special children’s natural sensory systems to be able to develop.

The All Development Spiral Program can offer you and your child an individually designed stimulation program that aims to enhance and assist all areas of your very special child’s development.

-The program is written for you and therefore it follows easy, clear language.

-It can integrate other professionals’ suggestions for your child’s best interest and for more effective learning outcomes

– A personal profile helps you to understand your child’s present development stage, and tracks his/her progress in a clear easy way to follow

-Specially selected learning activities are embedded into play.

-Playing is the only form of learning at early age and it underpins all areas of development.

-All plans can be delivered by any of the family members

Let me help! Let me help you now!

Who can the all developmental spiral programme help?

– young infants and pre-school children with additional needs from birth to 3 years old

– children with complex learning difficulties

– children with diagnosed development delay

– pre-school children with Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome

– children with a  diagnosis of genetic chromosome disorder

– premature babies and infants with global development delay

– every pre-school child that needs help

Did you know:

֎The brain grows and develops faster and shapes more connections in this first early critical period of life than during the rest of human life. It is true that the development will never stop but the foundation we lay down in our early life will be the foundation to build upon in our later life and it may have a life-long effect on our adult life.

֎The brain relies on information sent by the sensory nervous system commonly known as the 7 senses from the environment and the surrounding world.  After receiving this information the brain is able to shape and to organise its neurological connections; make sense of the world.

֎Baby’s developing brain has to be exposed to critical experiences including sensory, movement, or emotional stimuli, to advance properly.

֎The only way for the brain to find solution is to meet challenges.

‘A serious loss of any sensory system, or the exposure of the senses to severe adverse stimuli, can have profound and often permanent effects on the way the brain functions and perceives the world.

William T. Blows who is a senior lecturer in City University



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Reach out to us today to discover how you can work with us.

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