Movement Lessons

Michelle Turner, the creator of Movement Lessons, believes that all life forces on Earth based on oppositional gravity. Michelle has created her integrated functional movement : soft-touch based practice based on her studies and new discoveries that all living organisms need rotational movement to oppose gravity force.  She emphasises in her theories and practice the equal importance of weight transfer, midline crossing: rotation in movements to achieve functions or so-called motor development milestones.

Michelle has discovered all these above during her long search of trying to find the solution for her own son’s rehabilitation. Today Michelle is teaching her therapy modality all over the world and she has a daily growing community on her Facebook, Instagram, and professional followers in her training groups.

Movement Lessons welcome children of all ages with delayed motor development

The assessment aims to gain information on the child’s medical, and developmental history. It explores the child’s present movement abilities and throughout the session tries to explore and offer new and more efficient movement strategies for your child to succeed with their transitions.

Importance of regular sessions

Consistency is one of the most important factor for success. Daily work is necessary to ensure continuity in progress. Regular sessions are the most recommended to work with a practitioner along with the home program.

Regular sessions are booked and pre-paid for a month ahead.

Host a block of sessions

Traveling can be difficult due to location or family circumstances.

Parents may choose to travel to me and take on daily or twice daily sessions with their child. To achieve progress these visits need to be repeated at least four times a year and follow the home program thoroughly in between the blocks.



Want to know more?

Reach out to us today to discover how you can work with us.

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