My Educational Journey

I have been working with neurologically impaired children for 20 years.

I have a B.A. (Hons) in S.E.N. Teaching and Conductive Education, which I received in 2003 in Budapest. As a conductor-teacher, I worked in special education for 15 years in government-run and private school settings in the U.K., U.S.A, Spain, Ireland and Thailand. C.E. Special Education System was designed for children with motor disorders with good cognitive abilities. C.E. has helped and continues to support many children worldwide to become independent (no matter what it looks like) and raise awareness for life-long education needs.

I was curious and ambitious to solve all the learning problems I encountered.

 In my work with children with complex disabilities, I needed to find a solution at a more fundamental development level. I engaged in training that researched and tried to prevent or resolve learning difficulty issues.

In 2005 I attended the Brigitte Sindellar assessment and education program, which enhanced the development of instrumental cross-sensory functions such as visual, acoustic, and verbal-acoustic perception.

In 2006 I received a ‘Professional Certificate in Teaching Pupils with Severe and Complex Learning’ from Cambridge University.

The more I studied, the stronger I felt that there was a gap and need in my knowledge and practice.

I travelled to Chile in 2016 to start my training with Ramon Cuevas, the creator of Cuevas Medek Exercises. Ramon Cuevas is active. He is working and training student therapists and continues to improve the lives of disabled children. What I saw and experienced in Chile widened my perception of what was possible and gave me a new career path. I became a Level I. Practitioner in 2016 and Level II in 2017. Following my training in a short period, I had great results and unexpected improvement in motor functions working with very young children using C.M.E.

 I researched and studied the vestibular system and how it impacted motor development. Since then I have had three further training visits to Ramon in Santiago and completed further ‘Clinical Observations’ with Simona De Marchi and Jacira Guesser Kruger Level IV practitioners in London. I believe today, Cuevas Medek Therapy is the most effective habilitation/rehabilitation program, and it requires specific physical and mental skills to perform it on a higher level.

Child’Space is a comprehensive sensory educational program for parents to support their babies’ development, created by Chava Shelhav. Chava Shelhav is an ex-student of Moshe Feldenkrais. In the Autumn of 2021,  I started my Child’Space training with a team of Italian and International Movement Practitioners. This training has enriched my knowledge and personal experience of our sensory-motor development. The training has given me a different toolkit to use with newborn babies and infants and helped me understand my movement patterns better and use the tools to improve my skeletal-muscular system.


Conductive EducationCuevas Medek Exercises Level II./ Halliwick Swimming for Disabled/ Developmental Massage / H.A.N.D.L.E. Level II /   Portage Early Intervention ModelMovement Lesson  / Yoga for Special Needs  / Child’Space (completing on December 23)



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