Do you find it difficult to handle and to position, to bond and to heart fully connect with your baby?
Do you find it difficult to calm your baby, or to keep him/her active?
Do feel exhausted of sleepless nights, ongoing chores, endless list of appointments, lack of ‘ME’ time and finding quiet times for your very special baby and you?
Let me listen to you, understand you and help you. Let me help you now!
Being a parent to a very special child brings additional challenges into parenthood and family life.
Mothers are naturally seeking opportunities to connect and to form an emotional attachment with their developing baby with expanding unconditional love in their heart, despite of all difficulties…but life can get in the way.
Therapeutic Play is a holistic approach stimulating all areas of your baby’s development and as its primary aim to enhance the connection and relationship between mother and child that will feed the child’s ability to connect to others in her/his life.
Developmental massage- therapeutic play
‘Following the birth it is touch that helps to continue this growing connection and the language of mutual learning about one another.’ Peter Walker
Your interactions with your baby such as eye contact, smile, mummy talk, the use of different massage techniques, positioning, moving and handling, the smell of you and oils that may be used gives your baby a total sensory experience in a safe place where she/he can respond, explore, adjust and develop physically, emotionally, socially.

Therapeutic Play: The Baby Massage Experience
A harmonic hour with your baby.
֎The developmental massage is baby lead, and you will be guided how to calm your child if/when she/he is asking for help.
֎The session is structured into repetitive steps, helping you to develop your confidence to guide your child’s attention, become more confident with handing and positioning your baby and allow yourself to connect fully with her/him.
֎Songs and rhymes are used throughout the session, helping your baby to engage with you in a playful and loving way.

The benefits of the Developmental Massage used on very special children
֎The regular use of the massage helps the very special baby/child to tolerate and accept different form of handling and positioning strategies.
֎The skin to skin contact enables mother and baby to connect deeper and release ‘feel-good’ hormones
֎The step by step protocol prepares the baby first for tummy lying, then for sitting and standing.
֎It helps maintain and improve your baby’s flexibility, strengthen the baby’s immune system and digestive system.

Due to the passive techniques, young infants shows more enjoyment and less resistance towards developmental massage, even when the muscle tone is increased. It effects the baby’s emotional well-being. Your loving touch can help your baby to relax and ease anxiety. Parents feedback tells us how it helps with sleeping and with increasing your baby’s confidence and trust in you.
For more information please visit:
Content above was based on Peter Walker’s teachings and his book ‘Baby Massage’.